From the GLSL documentation (, the length function "calculate the length of a vector".
But I don't get it, what does "length" mean here ?
For instance:
length(.5); // returns .5
length(1.); // returns 1.
So how and why are you supposed to use this function?
See The OpenGL ES Shading Language
8 Built-in Functions, page 63
When the built-in functions are specified below, where the input arguments (and corresponding output) can be
, orvec4
, genType is used as the argument.
8.4 Geometric Functions, page 68
float length (genType x)
This means the result of length(.5)
sqrt(0.5 * 0.5) = 0.5
and the result of length(1.)
sqrt(1.0 * 1.0) = 1.0