I need a help in regular expression, I am trying to replace "Inc" with "LLC" for many string.
I used this code in java :
String newValue = newValue.replaceAll("(?i)Inc[^\\w]","LLC");
But the result is incorrect, one char is removed after replacing :
Exp: CONSULTANTS, INC. ("ABC") ==> CONSULTANTS, LLC ("ABC") // the "." was removed.
Please note that i have used [^\w] to prevent replacing "inc" in sentences like "include".
You can use \b
for word boundaries if there is no special literals in the string like ^
or ()
String s = "include inc".replaceAll("(?i)\\binc\\b", "LLC");
System.out.println(s); // (?i) is for case insensitive.
Above approach would fail if you use special characters in place of inc
like ^inc
. You can use Pattern.quote(s)
for it to work.
If there are special characters then you can use quoted literals \Q...\E
. Utility method using quoted literals:
public static String replaceExact(String str, String from, String to) {
return str.replaceAll("(?<!\\w)\\Q" + from + "\\E(?!\\w)", to);
Note: Pattern.quote("wor^d")
will return \\Qwor^d\\E
which is same as above regex.