I have to make a script that tails the last 10 lines of a screenlog.0 file in Ubuntu. The problem is that no matter what I try doing myself I end up failing. However, when I was searching for an alternative scripted by someone else, a more experienced developer, I found this: https://gist.github.com/karabanov/3818740
It is a nice piece of code that doesn't use much memory. My problem is that I don't know how to make it retrieve only the last 10 lines of the file. It retrieves all of them and that's something I really want to avoid.
Could you explain my what I need to modify in the code in order to make it work how I need it to work? Or maybe you have better scripts. Any help is appreciated.
P.S: I am a newbie PHP developer and I started working with PHP few months ago. I need this script in order to display the console for each game server in my game panel project.
using that library is an overkill, the simple tail command will work fine in ubuntu
tail -n 10 /you/file/full/path/here
if you want to get this from within a php script you can use
$string = exec( 'tail -n 10 /you/file/full/path/here');