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Rnotebook not showing code output for data frames

My code chunk output in Rnotebook is not appearing (as if not being run) when I try to view data frame results. I have to pass it through the pander() function to see the output print out. Is this something to do with knitr? I mention this because I set the options at the beginning to the following:

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE)

I have tried setting the options directly in the chunk but get the same unwanted result. Is there a setting I am not configuring correctly? I have to also mention that this is a behaviour that has been somehow inconsistent. That is, I may stop working on it and some time later the code output comes up somehow.

Here's an sample of the work code I am trying to run to copy paste into Rnotebook.

Setting the notebook workspace options

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE)

Loading the corresponding libraries and packages


Here's some sample data:

attibm <- read_csv("", 
    col_types = cols(Attrition = col_character()))

Seeing the structure. (This output is shown as expected)


Output expected

Preview the first ten rows (this is the output that doesn't show. Nothing happens)


This output doesn't show either. (Nothing happens)

attibm %>% 
  summarise_if(is.integer, mean)

When I pass the pander function THEN it is shown.

attibm %>% 
  summarise_if(is.integer, mean) %>% 

Output shown using pander 1

This one is shown too


Output shown using pander 2

I have checked the question posted: Output of numbers in R notebook, but I wasn't able to see the connection with this case.

I hope this is clear enough and that you can reproduce the code shown here. Any help on this issue will be highly appreciated.


  • The newest version of markdown is no longer compatible with pandocv2. You can check your version of pandoc using

    library(rmarkdown); pandoc_version()

    If it's pandoc version you need the development version of markdown that you can download there

    library(devtools); install_github("rstudio/rmarkdown")

    To narrow down the issue of whether this is a problem with the newest version of pandoc, try checking wether the .md produced is correct by adding

        keep_md: true