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R returns NA when I try to coerce a string to date using as.Date

I am trying to convert "March 15, 2017" to date. as.Date("March 15, 2017", "%B %d, %Y") and it returned NA I feel that the syntax fits well, what is the problem?


  • You are close, but have been bitten by your locale. If you look at the documentation for strptime, you will notice that

    %B   Full month name in the current locale. (Also matches abbreviated name on input.)

    This is also the case for my system since Slovenian doesn't have English month names:

    > as.Date("March 15, 2017", "%B %d, %Y")
    [1] NA
    > Sys.getlocale()
    [1] "LC_COLLATE=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250;LC_CTYPE=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250;LC_MONETARY=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250"

    What you can do is change locale, perhaps only for the duration of the conversion.

    > Sys.setlocale(locale = "English")
    [1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252"
    > as.Date("March 15, 2017", "%B %d, %Y")
    [1] "2017-03-15"

    And then back to normal

    > Sys.setlocale(locale = "Slovenian")
    [1] "LC_COLLATE=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250;LC_CTYPE=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250;LC_MONETARY=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=Slovenian_Slovenia.1250"
    > as.Date("March 15, 2017", "%B %d, %Y")
    [1] NA

    But if I use a Slovenian name for March:

    > as.Date("Marec 15, 2017", "%B %d, %Y")
    [1] "2017-03-15"

    Locale name will depend on your operating system, see ?Sys.setlocale for more info.