I would like to use the COUNTIF and IMPORTRANGE functions in Google Sheets, but the results keep returning 0. Here's my formula:
=COUNTIF(IMPORTRANGE("sheet key","PDFs!A2:A13"), "Yes")
There are no permission restrictions on the sheet I am trying to query, though I might restrict it to specific people.
I've tried the formula using the key and the sheet URL.
I've tested the formula with a tab in the same sheet and it works. Here is the formula I used:
Any thoughts on why the COUNTIF/IMPORTRANGE formula isn't working?
Would restricting permissions make the formula not work?
Yes, specific authorisation is necessary and no, you don't need the sheet name as well as the key.
Try just:
=IMPORTRANGE("sheet key","A2:A13")
which should ask you for authorisation (if required) and grant it (if necessary). Then replace above with:
=COUNTIF(IMPORTRANGE("sheet key","A2:A13"),"Yes")