I have been trying to find an answer if there is some sort of standard in regards to when/when not to use the above methods of passing information to a REST call.
I have been looking everywhere but every post only talks about the difference between 2 of the listed methods, or 3, not all 4.
1. @PathParam
PathParam is generally used to get to a Resource using it's id
Eg. /employees/{emp_id}
Usually it's a HTTP response code 404 if you don't find an Resource by it's id
as path param
2. @QueryParam
is generally used to get to an entity using any other field than it's id. Think of "search" or "filter" rather than using "id" to reach the entity. In this case, you will have to expect an array of entities as the response unlike the single entity that you will get as the response for sending id
as pathParam
Ex. /employees?firstname=joe
Note: QueryParam
can be used for other operations too, such as sort
. Eg. /departments/123/employees?sort_by=salary
Usually it's an http response code 200 with an empty array as the response body, if you don't find any entities by the search parameter(s) or filter parameter(s).
3. @RequestBody
Usually it's a POST, PUT or PATCH http verb with which we will send the requestbody.
Why it's a bad idea to send requestbody with http GET
Why it's a bad idea to send requestbody with http DELETE
Following are the situations where we use RequestBody
A. State Mutation
To achieve state mutation, usually json/xml representation of entity's desired state will be sent as requestBody
with POST/PUT/PATCH verb. Rest principles doesn't say anything about json or xml, it can be anything; it can be compressed binary formats such as protobuf, avro, cap'n'proto, flatbuffers etc or even plain text too.
B. READ operations (These are examples where READ doesn't equate to HTTP GET)
a. To avoid Loooong Urls - If the parameters required to GET an entity is way too long, we will usually use request body to send it, rather than using url. Http Protocol or Rest principles doesn't limit you on the url size, however some browsers have limit on max length of the url.
What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?
b. graphql - Here you will be POSTing the query using requestbody to fetch the data in your desired format
c. Security reason - If you have to send confidential data like password/tokens to fetch some data, usually you will have to post it in either request body or in headers. (Why? because, if it's in url, there is a high possibility that it may end up in application logs)
4. @RequestHeader
Generally used for sending metadata; Not the actual entity body (data). Eg. request-correlation-id, authheader, security tokens etc
5. @Matrixparam, @CookieParam etc
There are other not-so popular HTTP verbs like @Matrixparam and @CookieParam are out there in the JAX-RS spec. This is the Jersey documentation (Keep in mind that Jersey is reference implementation of JAX-RS. You may not find equivalent thing in Spring)
When to use @QueryParam vs @PathParam
What is the difference between @PathParam and @QueryParam