I got a project where the jersey-client
and the resteasyclient
library is included. This has historic reasons, and since I had to include the resteasyclient , my junit-tests
return at jersey-test.getClient()
the resteasyclient
and I am getting "RESTEASY004655 Unable to invoke the request"
, when executing the target-method.
When I am manually excluding the resteasyclient.jar
, it works.
Is there a way to exclude libraries while testing in eclipse?
Yeah it's crazy. This is just how the JAX-RS ClientBuilder
is designed1; other ClientBuilder
s on the classpath take precedence over the Jersey ClientBuilder
. This is only the case when you use the standard JAX-RS ClientBuilder
, which is what the JerseyTest
But each implementation comes with their own ClientBuilder
implementation. For instance, Jersey comes with JerseyClientBuilder
. If you want to use that then you can.
Client client = JerseyClientBuilder.createClient();
if (client instance JerseyClient) {
System.out.println("Hip hip hooray!");
When using the JerseyTest
, it gives you the ability to override the default client that is used.
public Client getClient() {
return JerseyClientBuilder.createClient();
A couple things to note about this:
If you are overriding configureClient
in the JerseyTest
, it won't work. You will just need to configure the client in the getClient()
Probably the most important is that it won't work with the in-memory test provider. When using the in-memory test provider, the client is configured with a special in-memory connector. If you want to override the client, then you should use a "real server" test provider, like the grizzly2 one.
1 - If you want to get into the gory details, checkout the source for ClientBuilder and the FactoryFinder that it uses.