If I have a movieClip on the root timeline with the instance name of box. Inside the MC I have a colored square shape and the following code:
myNum = 5;
EDIT: In desparate act to get any response I have also on the line below:
var myNum = 3;
just to cover all my bases, but still no output response of either value END OF EDIT.
On the root timeline I have :
this.box.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
function clickHandler(e) {
this returns undefined. How do I access myNum?
To access a variable inside of an object, the variable has to be a property (key) on the object. myNum
isn't a property of e.currentTarget
and just declaring a variable doesn't give any random object the property... you have to set the property on the object, like this:
this.box.myNum = 3;
this.box.addEventListener('click', clickHander);
Although as Jose CC's answer mentions, putting custom attributes on elements is not standard (though it will work) and the way it should be done is with a data-
var box = document.getElementById('box');
box.dataset.myNum = 3;
box.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
function clickHandler(e) {
<div id="box">My box</div>