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How can I get the actual SQL that caused an SqlException in C#?

Possible Duplicate:
Obtain the Query/CommandText that caused a SQLException

I am working on some error handling code (using elmah) and the default setup only sends the error message. I would like to know the actual SQL that throws an error (i.e. "SELECT * FROM thisTableDoesNotExist")

This is what I have so far:

if (e.Error.Exception is SqlException)
    //if SQL exception try to give some extra information
    SqlException sqlEx = e.Error.Exception as SqlException;
    e.Mail.Body = e.Mail.Body + "<div>" +
                                "<h1>SQL EXCEPTION</h1>" +
                                "<b>Message</b>: " + sqlEx.Message +
                                "<br/><b>LineNumber:</b> " + sqlEx.LineNumber + 
                                "<br/><b>Source:</b> " + sqlEx.Source +
                                "<br/><b>Procedure:</b> " + sqlEx.Procedure +

And I would like to be able to also show the actual SQL. The database is SQL Server 2008 and SqlException is of type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException.


  • Not possible. You'll need to catch the exception where the SQL command was executed, and then include your command text in your own custom exception. See Obtain the Query/CommandText that caused a SQLException.