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codesign an old Director projector on OS X 10.13 - perhaps manipulate __LINKEDIT segment value

(See Updates at end of this post)

For $reasons, I need to codesign an old Director projector that we can no longer re-publish (no access to original source code or to Director).

I'm doing this because when run without being signed, the app now opens a Finder window with a prompt saying "Where is..." asking for a file that's one of the embedded projector resources.

But... If I cd into the contents (it's not really called that, but you get the idea) and find the projector binary inside Contents/MacOS/ and run this binary from terminal, the app launches and runs fine, once it's decompressed the (presumably) attached archive at the end of the binary...

/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exceptions.plist'
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Library/AppExceptions.bundle/Exceptions.plist'
271 blocks
1120 blocks
274 blocks
136 blocks
255 blocks
120 blocks
1487 blocks
575 blocks
1128 blocks
570 blocks
104 blocks
2042 blocks
4889 blocks
677 blocks
388 blocks
363 blocks
700 blocks
23010 blocks opens and runs correctly at this point

I can't ask our users to do this (they're very non-technical) so I'm guessing that the "Where is..." prompt is some aspect of the OS X Gatekeeper, and hence I'm hoping that signing the binary will make it click-runnable again.

When I try and codesign the binary I get:

main executable failed strict validation

Setting the --no-strict codesign option gives a bit more detail:

the __LINKEDIT segment does not cover the end of the file (can't be processed)

Which I think is because the Director projector is a binary with a bundled archive containing the rest of the application's resources, appended to the end of the executable. Some googling shows that other projects have similar problems with their embedded resources.

I've tried using macho_edit to see if I could modify the binary, but with no joy. I've also tried signing using jtool, but again, this didn't work.

So now, opening the binary in MachOView:

MachOView of binary

I'm hoping that I can hexedit the binary and change the value of the __LINKEDIT segment so it covers the end of the file, and hence so the codesigning will work, but I have no idea what the modified value should be, or what else if anything I need to change. Any tips appreciated.

Update 1 - in response to Kamil.S's answer

I've tried adjusting the File Size value in __LINKEDIT segment, so this + the File Offset is the same as the actual binary (I tried a few times; you actually need to change the VM Size to be the same value as the File Size or you get Killed: 9 by the OS. Same happens if you set File Size to be the total size of the binary), but with no luck. With the new File Size and VM Size values, I can still run the binary, but I can't codesign it; I do however, get a slightly different error message:

file not in an order that can be processed (link edit information does not fill the __LINKEDIT segment)

Update 2 - has a bit more detail on the same problem:

PyInstaller breaks OSX code signing because it appends python code at the end of the binary. Appending data at the end of executable breaks the Mach-o format structure. codesign utility complains with the following messages.

the __LINKEDIT segment does not cover the end of the file (can't be processed)

file not in an order that can be processed (link edit information does not fill the __LINKEDIT segment)
  • Fix __LINKEDIT - File Size (offset + File size == exe size), VM Size- same as 'File Size'

  • Fix LC_SYMTAB - String Table Size - last data in mach-o file (offset + size = exe size on the filesystem) - The data appended to the executable will be part of the 'String Table' (Last data section in Mach-O file).

I'll take a look at fixing LC_SYMTAB to see if that helps.


  • __LINKEDIT's File Offset + File Size should be equal to physical executable size. You can tinker with File Size in MachOView by double clicking the value, editing it and saving - the executable should be fine. Just don't touch File Offset because this will definitely break it.