I have this file.csv
And my hope result is group by the number and sum the column 3, 4 and 5
I've tried with:
cat file.csv | awk -F"|" '
{ a[$2] += $3 }
for (i in a) {
printf "%s|%s\n", i, a[i];
And the result is:
Only shows the sum of third column, but I need 2 columns more. what should I do in this case?
$ awk -F"|" '{ a[$1 OFS $2]+=$3; b[$1 OFS $2]+=$4; c[$1 OFS $2]+=$5 }
for (i in a) {
print i, a[i], b[i], c[i];
' OFS=\| file.csv
This sets the field separator on input to |
a[$1 OFS $2]+=$3; b[$1 OFS $2]+=$4; c[$1 OFS $2]+=$5
This keeps track of the totals of the third, fourth, and fifth columns.
for (i in a) {
print i, a[i], b[i], c[i];
This prints out the results.
This tells awk to use |
as the field separator on output.