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Changing cell values in matlab

I have a variable in matlab as 101x2 cell array and I need to recode the strings for my analysis.

for example I want to change {'red apple'} to {'blue banana'} with checking all red apple cells.

I tried something like this;

A.mycell(cell2mat(cellfun(@(elem) elem == 'red apple', A.mycell(:, :), 
'UniformOutput', true))) = {'blue banana'};

but this did not work, how can I change something like this?

also this didn't work too;

ind= find(A.mycell=={'red apple'})
A.mycell(ind)= 'blue banana'


  • Matlab's strcmp function is useful in cases like this. Another key thing to note here is you can access the string inside a cell element by with myCellArray{row, col}. Using myCellArray(row, col) will give you a cell with a string inside it.

    clc; clear;
    myCellArray = {'red apple'   , 'green pear'   ;...
                   'green pear'  , 'red apple'    ;...
                   'red apple'   , 'red pineapple';...
                   'orange lemon', 'red apple'}   ;
    keyword = 'red apple';
    for row = 1:size(myCellArray,1)
        for col = 1:size(myCellArray,2)
            if strcmp(keyword, myCellArray{row,col})
                myCellArray{row,col} = 'blue banana';

    Which outputs

    myCellArray =
      4×2 cell array
    {'blue banana' }    {'green pear'   }
    {'green pear'  }    {'blue banana'  }
    {'blue banana' }    {'red pineapple'}
    {'orange lemon'}    {'blue banana'  }