I got a Swing Application that relies on mouse events combined with two modifier keys (Ctrl & Shift) to control the UI. It works flawlessly on Windows and Linux.
Now, I'd like to make this app running on the Macintosh platform as well. The UI doesn't work out-of-box because the Control key seems to interfere with the right click on my MacBook Pro.
Is there any possibility to get Ctrl-click events working on Mac or should I consider using another key (Alt/Option) instead?
I only care of Mac OS X 10.9 and higher and Java 8.
Thank you in advance!
As shown here, Mac OS X uses control-click to simulate a right-click when using a single-button input device. Using option-click is a common alternative; jfreechart is an example. For convenience, you may be able to leverage getMenuShortcutKeyMask()
, discussed here, which returns Event.CTRL_MASK
on Windows/Linux and Event.META_MASK
on Mac OS X.