agrep('timothy', c('timo','tim','timoth', 'timothys'), max.distance = 0.01, value=TRUE)
I want to output the original string and all possible results together in a data frame as below.
Original Replace1 Replace2
timothy timoth timothys
Is this possible or is there a better function to use?
I'd personally keep it in "long" format vs wide (you can always transformit later):
original = "timothy",
replacement = agrep('timothy', c('timo','tim','timoth', 'timothys'), max.distance = 0.01, value=TRUE),
## original replacement
## 1 timothy timoth
## 2 timothy timothys
You likely want to do this more than once, so I'd make that a function. And, since the output of agrep()
can be character(0)
, we need to handle that so we'll add in a helper function, too:
`%|l0%` <- function(x, y) if (length(x) == 0) y else x
agrep_to_data_frame <- function(pattern, x, max.distance=0.01, costs=NULL) {
original = pattern,
replacement = agrep(pattern, x, max.distance = max.distance, value=TRUE) %|l0% NA_character_,
And, now it's a single call which you can use in purrr::map2()
or mapply()
, etc.
agrep_to_data_frame('timothy', c('timo','tim','timoth', 'timothys'))
## original replacement
## 1 timothy timoth
## 2 timothy timothys