Search code examples

Textext plugin autosuggest generates list should begin with the searched string instead of contains as first

I'm using textext plugin for autocomplete, auto-suggestion etc.

I have a Destination Field i.e textbox whenever user search for a Country or city, It should populate or suggest matched cities or countries in the drop-down.

For example, if users search as 'Ameri'

Current output

from the textext plugin is retrieving all the strings which contain the searched text 'Americ'

  • North America
  • South America
  • The United States of America
  • American Canyon
  • American River

Expected output want the list of matched strings, which begins with the searched text 'Americ' result should come first, later searched text contains the list.

String begins with

  • American Canyon
  • American River

Contains list

  • North America
  • South America
  • The United States of America

         plugins: 'tags autocomplete filter focus',
         minLength: 3,
     .bind('getSuggestions', function(e, data) {
         if (data.query.length) {
             var list = [
                     'United states of America',
                     'South America',
                     'North America',
                     'American River ',
                     'American canyon'
                 textext = $([0],
                 query = (data ? data.query : '') || '';
                 'setSuggestions', {
                     result: textext.itemManager().filter(list, query)
<textarea id="textarea" class="example" rows="1"></textarea>


  • I've resolved the issue myself by adding some part of code over textext plugin, please correct me if I'm not in the correct way. Here is the demo for it -

            plugins : 'autocomplete filter',
            useSuggestionsToFilter : true
        .bind('getSuggestions', function(e, data)
            var list = [
                    'United states of America',
                    'South America',
                    'North America',
                    'American River ',
                    'American canyon'
                textext = $([0],
                query = (data ? data.query : '') || ''
            // Implementing search functionality from the begining of the string, later dispalying the contains list.
            var filterItems = textext.itemManager().filter(list, query);
            var filteredResultCount = filterItems.length;
            var beginingMatches = [];
            var containsMatches = [];
            for (var i=0; i < filteredResultCount; i++) {
                if(filterItems[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) == 0 ) {
            var finalResult = beginingMatches.concat(containsMatches);
                'setSuggestions', { result : finalResult}