So I am programming against v.3 of Google Sheets API (I know I need to move to v.4 at some point but I am shadowing a given code base.) I had some code to parse the JSON and drill in step wise in code but I'm trying also to learn M language for PowerQuery, so I would like some help again with how to write this PowerQuery.
I have tidied up the JSON to its minimum , here it is
{ ""feed"": {""entry"": [
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""1 Med"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"":
""https//removed1...."" } ] },
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""2 Dent"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"":
""https//removed2...."" } ] },
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""3 Vet"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"":
""https//removed3...."" }] }
] } }
The JSON mimics (on a skeletal basis) what comes out of Google Sheets API v.3. So I know I need to drill down through the feed and entry nodes to get to the list of sheets. The sheetname is at feed.entry[x].title.$t
whilst the url for the sheet data is at feed.entry[x].link[y].href
where x increments and y is 0.
I would like a query to return in this case a 3 row 2 column matrix, with the sheetname in the left hand column and the href in the right hand column. Thus
'1 Med' 'https//removed1'
'2 Dent' 'https//removed2'
'3 Vet' 'https//removed3'
So far I have got to this below but I am stuck now.
Source = Json.Document("{ ""feed"": {""entry"": [
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""1 Med"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"": ""https//removed1...."" } ] },
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""2 Dent"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"": ""https//removed2...."" } ] },
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""3 Vet"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"": ""https//removed3...."" }] }
] } }"),
feed = Source[feed],
entry = feed[entry],
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(entry, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"title"}, {"title"})
#"Expanded Column1"
Given enough examples I'll get the hang of this in a cookbook sort of way it's just I'm stuck. Thanks.
I'm super-curious how you will overcome the authentication challenge. It looked like "mission impossible" to me ...
Anyway I played with your script in the GUI, removed the last step, added a few more and I think this is what you are after:
Source = Json.Document("{ ""feed"": {""entry"": [
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""1 Med"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"": ""https//removed1...."" } ] },
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""2 Dent"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"": ""https//removed2...."" } ] },
{ ""title"": { ""$t"": ""3 Vet"" }, ""link"": [ { ""href"": ""https//removed3...."" }] }
] } }"),
feed = Source[feed],
entry = feed[entry],
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(entry, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column2" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"title", "link"}, {"title", "link"}),
#"Expanded title1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded Column2", "title", {"$t"}, {"$t"}),
#"Expanded link" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Expanded title1", "link"),
#"Expanded link1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded link", "link", {"href"}, {"href"})
#"Expanded link1"