There was a bug where after installing plugins the -vm entry got messed up. This is a bit similar, on every run the relative path will get resolved into an absolute path. I would like to keep the eclipse portable and this is the last part required to make this happen. When the path gets resolved into absolute it again is not portable. Is there a way to stop eclipse from resolving the -vm entry? Or disallow touching the INI file at all?
If not I will have to use separate cmd to start the eclipse or use a shortcut and feed the -vm that way.
Thank you in advance for any hints.
Edit: The desire is to have portable Eclipse with bundled JRE and have it working even when it's moved around.
No exact answer to your question, but to get a portable Eclipse IDE or an Eclipse-based application, a JRE/SDK can be embedded in the subfolder jre
instead of using -vm
in the .ini