In a Polymer app I want to give the users the option to choose a certain theme from a set provided. So let's say that in a wrapper element I have a property called "theme" which holds a value like "dark", "light", etc. I would like to include a certain file with custom styles depending on that value.
So I have an element my-app-wrapper
that includes some other ones if the user is not authenticated, or one called my-app
for those that are. Now I tried to refactor it so that I have a new element called my-app-dark
that extends my-app
and just adds the import to the custom styles I need.
So in a file, let's say dark.html
I have something like:
<style is="custom-style">
html {
--custom-theme: {
--app-primary-color: #990AE3;
--app-secondary-color: var(--paper-deep-orange-500);
And in my-app-wrapper
I have something like this:
<template is="dom-if" if="[[_equals(theme, 'dark')]]" restamp>
<template is="dom-if" if="[[!_includes(themes, theme)]]" restamp>
The problem here is that in the wrapper element I need to import both my-app
and my-app-dark
. So even if I have that if statement and I use my-app
the custom style imported by my-app-dark
is still loaded and it applies its styles.
My only restriction is that I can't use lazy imports and load the file with Polymer.importHref, but even if I could, the import would happen after the CSS rules are parsed so it wouldn't work.
I experimented with theme changes with polymer 1.x using events and changing the theme programmatically.
In the main may-app.html
file I set colors to variables in the host element:
<style include="shared-styles">
:host {
--some-color: black;
These css color values were used throughout the child elements.
When a change-theme
event was called, I used this.customStyle['--some-color'] = 'white';
and Polymer.updateStyles();
to apply the color change.
_onChangeTheme() {
if (this.darkTheme) {
//change to light theme
this.customStyle['--some-color'] = 'white';
this.set('darkTheme', false);
} else {
//change to dark theme
this.customStyle['--some-color'] = 'black';
this.set('darkTheme', true);
In Polymer 2 it should probably look something like this:
_onChangeTheme() {
if (this.darkTheme) {
//change to light theme
this.set('darkTheme', false);
} else {
//change to dark theme
this.set('darkTheme', true);