I have to translate a working curl request in nodejs javascript. I did succeed with previous similar queries that didn't implied file transfer.
curl --compressed -u $username:$password https://analysiscenter.veracode.com/api/5.0/uploadfile.do -F "app_id=1" -F "file=@package.zip"
My current, non working, code :
const fetch = require("node-fetch")
const b = new Buffer(myUsername + ":" + myPassword)
const s = b.toString('base64')
let uploadFileForm = new FormData()
uploadFileForm.append('app_id', "1")
uploadFileForm.append('file', fs.createReadStream('package.zip'))
header = {
"Authorization": `Basic ${s}`,
"Content-Type": 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + form.getBoundary()
method: 'POST',
body: uploadFileForm
.then(res => {
return res.text()
.then(body => {
I use the same exact authentication process to call the api with other requests.
As suggested I changed my code to set the boundaries in the header. Now header look like this :
{ Authorization: 'Basic anVsaWVuLmZleWV1eEAzZHMuY29tOjVZQzA1RlVlTmpBNWdGZF5EMVRYMEQyJFNrTEdNTA==',
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------439864217372737605994368' }
It still doesn't work
Resolution :
The issue was a small js error as node-fetch was expecting headers when instead I provided header.
However this was hard to see due to lack of node "Network" debugging tool.
I used another server to check the final request headers and understand what went wrong.
Thanks again @CBroe for providing methodology tips on how to solve that kind of problems.