I am using Cucumber with Selenide for my UI tests and I have these methods
public static void initPage(String pageName) throws Exception {
Set<Class<?>> annotated = new Reflections(PAGES_PACKAGE).getTypesAnnotatedWith(PageTitle.class);
for (Class classToInit : annotated) {
PageTitle annotation = (PageTitle) classToInit.getAnnotation(PageTitle.class);
if (annotation.name().equals(pageName)) {
lastInitialized = substringAfter(classToInit.toString(), "class ");
lastInitClass = classToInit;
throw new AutotestError("Could not find page to init: " + pageName);
public static SelenideElement findElementByTitle(String elementName) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
Set<Field> annotated = new Reflections(lastInitialized, new FieldAnnotationsScanner()).getFieldsAnnotatedWith(ElementTitle.class);
for (Field field : annotated) {
ElementTitle annotation = field.getAnnotation(ElementTitle.class);
if (annotation.name().equals(elementName)) {
SelenideElement el = (SelenideElement) field
return el;
throw new AutotestError("Element not found: " + elementName);
I am very new to reflections and am trying to build a page objects pattern utilising the org.reflections.Reflections library to search for annotated fields in various page object classes. I am, however, having problems returning the SelenideElement from the field I'm getting in the second method (line SelenideElement el = ... is plain wrong at the moment). How do I get the field I can use as a SelenideElement (with @ElementTitle and @FindBy annotations) in my test? Thanks in advance.
I have modified the problematic line of code like this:
SelenideElement el = (SelenideElement) field.get(page(lastInitClass);
where page() is com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.page, which is Selenide wrapper for Selenium pageFactory, if I understood correctly.