I'm trying to run two different scripts, v1_to_v2_migrator.exs and update_images.exs
defp aliases do
["ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop", "ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs", "run priv/repo/update_images.exs"]
Only the first file runs. I've tried to reenable run
but I can't escape the filename.
"run 'priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs'; run -e 'Mix.Task.reenable(:run)'"
gives this error:
** (Mix) No such file: priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs;
Where the file ending includes the semicolon.
For your particular example, you can pass multiple files to run:
mix run -r priv/repo/foo.exs -r priv/repo/bar.exs
But if the question is how to generally reenable tasks, then @Dogbert's and @mudasobwa's approaches are correct.