I have doubts about placement new
. I would like to call Base Class constructor in class Derived method. The code should make this more clear.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <optional>
double calculate_z(int x) {
return 2 * x;
struct Base {
int x;
double z;
Base(): x(0), z(0) {}
Base(int value): x(value), z( calculate_z(x)) {}
class Derived: public Base {
//is this enought to make it safe?
static_assert( std::is_trivially_copyable<Base>::value, "Object using new in placement constructor has to be trivial!");
std::optional<bool> force;
void load(int x)
new(this) Base(x); //can I call it safty? will this couse any trouble with force member?
// Do I need to call destructor manualy or delate? (probalby no)
force = std::make_optional(false);
int main()
Derived a;
Example looks point less. But instead of Base in that class is T
. Derivative is template
. I need to call this constructor because I read data from JSON. And I use serialization library that required existing that object already. Not inherit from Base is a problem (because I could use Base as a member). So why I need call constructor? Because T comes from other library and not calling constructor make my app working improper.
So questions:
I can't make Base as a member because I serialize this using http://uscilab.github.io/cereal/serialization_functions.html
What are you trying to write here? Nowhere in the link you listed does anything like this get suggested.
It looks like what you want is:
struct Base {
int x;
double z;
Base(): x(0), z(0) {}
Base(int value): x(value), z( calculate_z(x) ) {}
class Derived : public Base {
std::optional<bool> force;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive)
archive( x, z, force );
class Safer {
Base b;
std::optional<bool> force;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive)
archive( b.x, b.z, force );
class Constructs {
Base b;
std::optional<bool> force;
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & archive)
int x, z;
archive( x, z, force );
b = Base( x );
// Could be
// b = Base( x, z );
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & archive)
archive( b.x, b.z/*???*/, force );