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Fetch Paginated view data after applying reduce in couchdb with ektorp

Hi I want to fetch data from couchdb-view by applying reduce and pagination.

My view gives reduce function result as complex key as follows


I am trying to fetch data from couchdb using ektorp, check following code

PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.firstPage(10);
ViewQuery query = new ViewQuery()
Page<ViewResult> rs1 = db.queryForPage(query, pageRequest, ViewResult.class);

rs1.forEach(v -> {

I am getting following error

org.ektorp.DbAccessException: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: 
Can not construct instance of org.ektorp.ViewResult: 
no int/Int-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (20)
at [Source: N/A; line: -1, column: -1]


  • CouchDB doesn't Give paginated details if you want paginated reduced data.

    Request with paginated include docs
    group=false & reduce=false & include_docs=true

    URL : http://localhost:5984/dn_anme/_design/design_name/_view/viewname?include_docs=true&reduce=false&skip=0&group=false&limit=2

    Response :


    Request with Reduce group=true& reduce=true& include_docs=false

    URL : http://localhost:5984/dn_anme/_design/design_name/_view/viewname?include_docs=false&reduce=true&group=true&limit=2

    Resoonse :


    Difference in between both Request:
    Request with paginated include docs gives page data {"total_rows":81, "offset":0, rows":[{...},{...}]} AND Request with reduce give {"rows":[{...},{..}]}

    How you can get paginated reduce data:

    Step 1: Request rows_per_page + 1 rows from the view
    Step 2: if in response one extra records than page_size then there are more records
    Step 3: calculate and update skip value and got to step 1 for next page
    Note: adding skip is not good option for lots of records instead of that find start key and add start key, its good for better perforamance