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Postman - POST request with file upload

Trying to upload the file

I'm testing a flow of events which one of the steps is to upload a file, this is a RAR file. 

This step is made by POST request and in the body you can add fields and give them a value, also, you can choose a file field and on the right side you can browse and select a file.

This step works properly when testing this step only. But, when you run the whole test folder(with all the test requests) then the file selection back to be unselected and the test can't continue. 

Hope that my problem is clear. Thanks a lot. Amit.


  • If you’re trying to do this via the collection runner, this functionality isn’t supported.

    This is a issue being recently discussed on the Postman GitHub account.

    One of the ways that you can achieve this is by installing Newman and using this to upload the file during the test run.