It may be a little off-topic, and also heavily opinion-based, but I think the following problem deserves discussion:
Let say you are working on a bigger project, which consist of multiple files and multiple headers. For example you have a file(sub-module) which does save management, the other handles drawing and so on. What do you think is the best way of naming the functions inside a sub-module?
I would like something that I can see from that which file was the function declared/implemented in, which would help a lot during development and bugfixing.
My current approach:
): save_load_savefile();
, save_save_game();
,etc.Do you know any other, possibly better alternatives?
One idea would be to create a (static
) struct
per sub-module that has function pointers as elements. A call would look something like:
In this way you're moving a little bit in the direction of C++. You could of course also decide to use C++ in a light way, and create classes.