I have an Actor which is created from within a SupervisorActor and this Actor is responsible for pushing the messages that it gets into a stream. Here is the Actor:
class KafkaPublisher[T <: KafkaMessage: ClassTag] extends Actor {
implicit val system = context.system
val log = Logging(system, this.getClass.getName)
override final def receive = {
case ProducerStreamActivated(_, stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]) =>
log.info(s"Activated stream for Kafka Producer with ActorName >> ${self.path.name} << ActorPath >> ${self.path} <<")
case other =>
log.warning("KafkaPublisher got some unknown message while producing: " + other)
def active(stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]): Receive = {
case msg: T =>
log.info(s"Got Message >> $msg << Pushing it to stream $stream")
case other =>
log.warning("KafkaPublisher got the unknown message while producing: " + other)
object KafkaPublisher {
def props[T <: KafkaMessage: ClassTag] =
Props(new KafkaPublisher[T])
As it can be seen that this Actor works on a generic message type as the SupervisorActor is responsible for creating concrete instances of this generic Actor.
trait Event
object Event {
case class ProducerStreamActivated[T <: KafkaMessage](kafkaTopic: String, stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]) extends Event
trait KafkaMessage
object KafkaMessage {
case class DefaultMessage(message: String, timestamp: DateTime) extends KafkaMessage {
def this() = this("DEFAULT-EMPTY-MESSAGE", DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC))
case class DefaultMessageBundle(messages: Seq[DefaultMessage], timeStamp: DateTime) extends KafkaMessage {
def this() = this(Seq.empty, DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC))
Obviously, I get the following error:
Error:(17, 45) pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
found : akka.stream.scaladsl.SourceQueueWithComplete[T]
required: akka.stream.scaladsl.SourceQueueWithComplete[com.eon.pm.messages.KafkaMessage]
Note: T <: com.my.project.messages.KafkaMessage, but trait SourceQueueWithComplete is invariant in type T.
You may wish to define T as +T instead. (SLS 4.5)
case ProducerStreamActivated(_, stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]) =>
The SourceQueueWithComplete is not Covariant. How can I mitigate this? Any suggestions?
class KafkaPublisher extends Actor {
implicit val system = context.system
val log = Logging(system, this.getClass.getName)
override final def receive = {
case ProducerStreamActivated(_, stream) =>
log.info(s"Activated stream for Kafka Producer with ActorName >> ${self.path.name} << ActorPath >> ${self.path} <<")
case other =>
log.warning("KafkaPublisher got some unknown message while producing: " + other)
def active(stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[KafkaMessage]): Receive = {
case msg: DefaultMessage =>
log.info(s"Got Message >> $msg << Pushing it to stream $stream")
case msg: DefaultMessageBundle =>
log.info(s"Got Message >> $msg << Pushing it to stream $stream")
case other =>
log.warning("KafkaPublisher got the unknown message while producing: " + other)
object KafkaPublisher {
def props = Props(new KafkaPublisher)
trait Event
object Event {
case class ProducerStreamActivated(kafkaTopic: String, stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[KafkaMessage]) extends Event
trait KafkaMessage
object KafkaMessage {
case class DefaultMessage(message: String, timestamp: DateTime) extends KafkaMessage {
def this() = this("DEFAULT-EMPTY-MESSAGE", DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC))
case class DefaultMessageBundle(messages: Seq[DefaultMessage], timeStamp: DateTime) extends KafkaMessage {
def this() = this(Seq.empty, DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC))