I have some arrays of names stored in nested JSON like this:
"groupZ": {
"names": [
"groupY": {
"groupA": {
"names": [
"groupB": {
"names": [
"groupX": {
"groupC": {
"groupD": {
"names": [
"groupE": {
"names": [
I'm trying to figure out how to generate a list of all names, prepended with the full group path for each name, so it ends up like this:
The group names will be unique at each level, but other than that could be called anything. I know I will need to recursively call a function which stops when it finds a "names" array, passing through a string to add to the prepend with each recursion, but having real trouble. Here's my code so far:
var sPrepend = '';
function buildList(Groups, lastGroupName){
for(var thisGroupName in Groups) {
var thisGroup = Groups[thisGroupName];
sPrepend += (' - ' + thisGroupName);
buildList(thisGroup, thisGroupName);
console.log(sPrepend, ' - ', name);
//build the list item here.
buildList(oGroups, '');
It's got me stumped as I'm not able to change the JSON structure but I'm sure it is possible. Thanks anyone who can help!
This works for me:
function buildList(group, accum, key) {
// default helper parameters
accum = accum || [];
key = key || '';
if (group.names) { // add each name
group.names.forEach(function(name) {
accum.push(key + name);
} else { // or recurse on each key
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(group).forEach(function(gname) {
buildList(group[gname], accum, key + gname + ' - ');
return accum;
var list = buildList(oGroups);