I have following 2 types of records in a file, I can parse this file using BeanIO for any one of the record type 1 or 2 but I could not do both of them in a single parsor.I don't know how to use both of my mappings in single records. Please give me your guidance to do it.Thanks.
1 Length(20) 5 5 5 5 5
Columns S.No Name Street City Zip
2 Columns S.No Age Position
Length(20) 5 2 18
<record name="employee" class="com.Employee" collection="list" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<field name="S.No" length="5" />
<field name="Name" length="5" />
<field name="Street" length="5" />
<field name="City" length="5" />
<field name="Zip" length="5" />
<record name="employee" class="com.Employee" collection="list" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<field name="S.No" length="5" />
<field name="Age" length="2" />
<field name="Position" length="12" />
Update1: we can distinguish record using S.No There is no order of records also no dependency between records.
001 Jose Str1 City 56005
001 Hene Str1 City 66005
005 20 General Manager
001 King Str1 City 76005
005 20 General Manager
001 Leo Str1 City 86005
005 90 COO
005 70 Deputy Manager
You would need to have a class that contains a list of your Employee
public class EmployeeGroup {
private List<Employee> employees;
// getter + setter
Then you need a group
definition in your mapping.xml
to read all the Employee
<stream name="example" format="fixedlength">
<group name="employeeGroup" class="com.EmployeeGroup">
<record name="employees" class="com.Employee" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" collection="list">
<field name="S.No" length="5" rid="true" literal="001"/>
<field name="Name" length="5"/>
<field name="Street" length="5"/>
<field name="City" length="5"/>
<field name="Zip" length="5"/>
<record name="employees" class="com.Employee" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" collection="list">
<field name="S.No" length="5" rid="true" literal="005"/>
<field name="Age" length="2"/>
<field name="Position" length="12"/>
Note the values for the literal
attribute to identify the different records.