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Spring Webflow 2.4.5 multipart/form-data binding problems

I have the multipart resolver configured for the project:

public class AppConfig extends AbstractFlowConfiguration {

    public CommonsMultipartResolver fileResolver() {
        CommonsMultipartResolver cr = new CommonsMultipartResolver();
        return cr;


I am using a serializable object as the model:

public class NewRequestModel implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -5372803991673351564L;

    private String entry;

    private transient MultipartFile attachment;

    ... // getters and setters


When the page loads, I initialize the model:


<var name="requestModel" class="com.dg.model.request.NewRequestModel" />

        <evaluate expression="newRequestAction.initTestRequest" />


public Event initTestRequest(RequestContext context) {
        NewRequestModel model = (NewRequestModel)context.getFlowScope().get("requestModel");
        if (model==null) {
            model = new NewRequestModel();
        context.getFlowScope().put("requestModel", model);
        return new Event(this, "DONE");

I bind the values in the JSP:

<form:form id="actionForm" method="POST" modelAttribute="requestModel" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    <div class="panel-heading">
        Test Request

    <div class="panel-body">

        <div class="form-group">
            <form:input path="entry" />

        <div class="form-group">
            <form:input type="file" path="attachment" />

            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="app.submitEvent({formSelector: '#actionForm',event: 'submitAndValidate'});">
                Submit Request



When the button is clicked, the form is submitted with event "submitAndValidate"

 <view-state id="start" view="request/test/test-request" model="requestModel">
        <transition on="submitAndValidate" to="submitAndValidate" />

    <action-state id="submitAndValidate">
        <evaluate expression="newRequestAction.testRequest" />
        <transition to="start" />

When I debug into the Action class, testRequest method, The model does not retain the values submitted with the form.

public Event testRequest(RequestContext context) {
        NewRequestModel model = (NewRequestModel)context.getFlowScope().get("requestModel");
        String entry= model.getEntry();
        MultipartFile file = model.getAttachment();
        if (entry==null) {
            // is null when enctype is included on form
            // is populated when enctype is not included on form
        if (file==null) {
            // always null for some reason
        return new Event(this, "DONE");

If I remove enctype="multipart/form-data" from the form, the binding works for the "entry" variable. Of course, this won't allow for uploading a document. So I need to be able to include the enctype on the form.

I've gone over this and looked up answers and read the guides and I just am not seeing why this would fail. I appreciate any help in finding the offending configuration/code.


  • The problem was in my MultipartResolver bean configuration. Spring is looking specifically for a bean named "multipartResolver." Therefore I had 2 options to fix this:

    OPTION 1 - specify the name in the @Bean annotation

    public CommonsMultipartResolver fileResolver() {
        CommonsMultipartResolver cr = new CommonsMultipartResolver();
        return cr;

    OPTION 2 - rename the method

    public CommonsMultipartResolver multipartResolver() {
        CommonsMultipartResolver cr = new CommonsMultipartResolver();
        return cr;

    For most people, the above change will likely resolve the issue. However, I also needed to add Apache Commons IO to my project due to ClassNotFoundException errors that appeared after making the above change.


    With these updates in place, the form now binds properly. My issues are resolved.