I got stuck while doing some coq proofs around the state
monad. Concretely, I've simplified the situation to this proof:
Definition my_call {A B C} (f : A -> B * C) (a : A) : B * C :=
let (b, c) := f a in (b, c).
Lemma mycall_is_call : forall {A B C} (f : A -> B * C) (a : A), my_call f a = f a.
intros A B C f a.
unfold my_call.
(* stuck! *)
The resulting goal after invoking unfold
is (let (b, c) := f a in (b, c)) = f a
. If I'm not wrong, both sides of the equality should be exactly the same, but I don't know how to show it from here. Any help?
As a side note, I've seen that coq automatically applies the simplification when no product types are involved in the result of the function:
Definition my_call' {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (a : A) : B :=
let b := f a in b.
Lemma my_call_is_call' : forall A B (f : A -> B) (a : A), my_call' f a = f a.
intros A B f a.
unfold my_call'.
It's easy to see what you need to do next, once you recall that
let (b, c) := f a in (b, c)
is syntactic sugar for
match f a with (b, c) => (b, c) end
This means you need to destruct on f a
to finish the proof:
Lemma mycall_is_call {A B C} (f : A -> B * C) a :
my_call f a = f a.
unfold my_call.
now destruct (f a).