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java's path still /usr/bin/java after brew cask install java

I installed java with homebrew, using the command brew cask install java.

After successfully installing, I typed which java, and the path showed to be /usr/bin/java

When I typed brew cask info java, this showed up:

java: 1.8.0_102-b14 Java Standard Edition Development Kit

/usr/local/Caskroom/java/1.8.0_102-b14 (227.5M) Contents JDK 8 Update 102.pkg (pkg) Caveats This Cask makes minor modifications to the JRE to prevent issues with packaged applications, as discussed here: If your Java application still asks for JRE installation, you might need to reboot or logout/login.

Installing this Cask means you have AGREED to the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE at

Did I forget to link something?


  • /usr/bin/java is a symlink.

    To see where it points, type ls -la /usr/bin/java

    brew cask is installing into /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_something.jdk/Contents/Home

    If the previous command ls -la is matching this, you are good.

    If not, it means that you previously had another java installation. In this case, you may want to use a tool like jenv to switch between your multiple installs.