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Appium: How to iterate over a listview of unknown length?

I have a list view with a hierarchy I theoretically have no knowledge of. I am attempting to accept a String array and create MobileElements for each string in it, but due to the way I've automated (PageFactory) defining my elements via annotations, they cannot use variables. I also don't know that it's valid or proper to define my annotations inside a method.

The code I've written, which obviously does not compile follows:

public void selectLocation(String[] location) {

    List<MobileElement> locationsList = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int i = 0; i < location.length; i++) {

        @iOSFindBy(accessibility = location[i])
        @AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//android.widget.TextView[@text='" + location[i] + "']")
    for (int i = 0; i < location.length; i++) {

I'm assuming the proper way to do this is wholly different from the way I've implemented.

My list hierarchy is similar to the following; my end point could vary depending on the branch I go down:

  • Continent 1
    • City 1
      • Room 1
      • Room 2
    • City 2
      • Building 1
        • Room 1
        • Room 2
      • Building 2
        • Room 1
        • Room 2


  • I now look for a matching element. If I don't find it, I swipe further into the list. If the element doesn't exist I obviously run into problems, but not really an issue in my case since that’d be a failing test.

    while (!driver.findElementById(currentLocation).isDisplayed()) {
       driver.swipe(startX, startY, startX, endY, 100);

    Yes, I also realize .swipe() is deprecated, but it still works for me and I'd rather not rewrite all my code with TouchActions until necessary.