#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
double r,d,x,y,pi;
printf("Input the value of r and degree: ");
r = 12;
d = 195;
pi = 3.14;
x = r * cos(d * pi/180);
y = r * sin(d * pi/180);
printf("The polar form is: (%f,%f)", x, y);
In the 1st case with defined values of r and d the output comes correct but in 2nd case when I give the input the output doesn't match with the original answer. The code worked on codeblocks but isn't working on turbo c++.
what am I doing wrong in turbo c++?
Mis-matched format specifier. Use "%lf"
with a double *
double r,d,x,y,pi;
Better codes checks for success before using r
if (scanf("%lf",&r) != 1) Handle_Error();
Output is Cartesian coordinates. @Jens. I'd also recommend a '\n'
// printf("The polar form is: (%f,%f)", x, y);
printf("The Cartesian form is: (%f,%f)\n", x, y);
It appears Turbo-C requires "l"
when printing double
, so use
printf("The Cartesian form is: (%lf,%lf)\n", x, y);
Little reason to use a low precision pi
. Suggest
pi = acos(-1.0);