I'm trying to access the properties of an object in an app called Papers3 using JXA. I'm new to JXA and this is proving challenging, especially because of the lack of documentation.
Here is a shot of the dictionary for the object I'm trying to look at
I'm trying to get the IDs for the currently displayed windows in the app.
My attempt at this is:
var Papers = Application('Papers');
Papers.includeStandardAdditions = true
Running it throws an error and the output is:
Error on line 4: TypeError: Papers.libraryWindow.displayedPublications is not a function. (In 'Papers.libraryWindow.displayedPublications()', 'Papers.libraryWindow.displayedPublications' is undefined)
Error -2700: Script error.
Also, if I call just Papers.libraryWindow
The result is:
[function anonymous] {
"prototype":{"constructor":[function anonymous]}
I'm not sure what to do.
It's a little detail, I think. libraryWindow
needs to be plural and it's necessary to specify which one. You can use several forms:
Index form eg. libraryWindows[0]
ByName eg. libraryWindows.byName('Papers')
So, to access the first library window, you use: libraryWindows[0]
Try this:
(() => {
'use strict'
const app = Application('Papers');
const oWin = app.libraryWindows[0]
return oWin.displayedPublications()