I am trying to validate whether a collection being returned is in alphabetical order.
There are two parts to this collection though, as the first six are sorted separately from the rest. e.g.
I can hard code the first six using JsonPath and doing a simple match, but I am uncertain how to match the rest (there are lots, and the dataset can change).
This is my feature file:
Feature: Array should be sorted alphabetically, with the first important 6 sorted separately
* call read('common-config.feature')
Scenario: I request brand options by region
Given url baseUrl
And path '/importantEmployees'
When method GET
Then status 200
# match first six
And def importantSix = $..employees[0:6]
And def importantSixNames = get importantSix[*].name
And match importantSixNames == [ 'Bob', 'Edith', 'Egbert', 'Nial', 'Simone', 'Sasha' ]
# match the rest to a sorted array
And def otherPeople = $..employees[6:]
And def otherPeopleNames = get otherPeople[*].name
And eval
var sortedOtherPeopleNames = karate.get('otherPeopleNames').sort();
karate.set('sortedOtherPeopleNames', sortedOtherPeopleNames);
And match otherPeopleNames == sortedOtherPeopleNames
I've tried following the example of using an eval call, but I can't get it to work.
EDIT: I have found out how to share variables between the Javascript and Karate Feature file. I need to use karate.get('varName') in the Javascript. The sorting is still an issue though. I've edited the feature file to reflect this.
EDIT: Karate now has a karate.sort()
API that is very versatile: https://stackoverflow.com/a/77318045/143475
First, eval
was introduced in 0.7.0
onwards, I apologize since the documentation is being revised. I recommend that you use version 0.7.0.RC4 which is available at the time of this post.
Great question ! I reckon this is a case where diving into Java makes sense. The good news is that you can do this 'as JS' itself. The code below uses the eval
keyword, but if are not in a position to upgrade you should be able to figure out a way to use JS functions as you already know.
* def ArrayList = Java.type('java.util.ArrayList')
* def Collections = Java.type('java.util.Collections')
* def json = [{ v: 'C' }, { v: 'b' }, { v: 'A' }]
* def actual = $json[*].v
* print actual
* def list = new ArrayList()
* eval for(var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) list.add(actual[i])
* print list
* eval Collections.sort(list, java.lang.String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)
* print list
* match list != actual
* match list == ['A', 'b', 'C']
And here is the output of the 3 print
21:59:34.211 [main] INFO com.intuit.karate - [print] [
21:59:34.241 [main] INFO com.intuit.karate - [print] [
21:59:34.273 [main] INFO com.intuit.karate - [print] [