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Expose function variables, locally, within component

I have a flightJS component (don't start) and need a way to expose the translated text from bindTranslations after my component has been initialized so that local functions can access the translated values. This is pseudo code of how I would like it to work, but my JS knowledge is failing me :(

function paymentForm() {
  this.bindTranslations = function() {
    var buttonText = I18n.t('js.process_payment_button');
    var paragraphText = I18n.t('js.process_payment_paragraph');

    return {
      button: buttonText,
      paragraph: paragraphText

  this.handlePaymentState = function() {'submitButtons').val(buttonText);'paymentParagraph').val(paragraphText);

  this.after('initialize', function() {

export default paymentForm;


  • Just move declarations of buttonText and paragraphText up one level to parmentForm. They will be captured in closure in bindTranslations and handlePaymentState:

    function paymentForm() {
      var buttonText;
      var paragraphText;
      this.bindTranslations = function() {
        buttonText = I18n.t('js.process_payment_button');
        paragraphText = I18n.t('js.process_payment_paragraph');
        // ...