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How can I get the raw download size of a request using Puppeteer?

That is, the total amount of data downloaded across all resources (including video/media), similar to that returned by Chrome DevTools' Network tab.


  • There doesn't seem to be any way to do this as of January 2018 that works with all resource types (listening for the response event fails for videos), and that correctly counts compressed resources.

    The best workaround seems to be to listen for the Network.dataReceived event, and process the event manually:

    const resources = {};
    page._client.on('Network.dataReceived', (event) => {
      const request = page._networkManager._requestIdToRequest.get(
      if (request && request.url().startsWith('data:')) {
      const url = request.url();
      // encodedDataLength is supposed to be the amount of data received
      // over the wire, but it's often 0, so just use dataLength for consistency.
      // const length = event.encodedDataLength > 0 ?
      //     event.encodedDataLength : event.dataLength;
      const length = event.dataLength;
      if (url in resources) {
        resources[url] += length;
      } else {
        resources[url] = length;
    // page.goto(...), etc.
    // totalCompressedBytes is unavailable; see comment above
    const totalUncompressedBytes = Object.values(resources).reduce((a, n) => a + n, 0);