I have tried both pauli:accounts-linkedin and jonperl:linkedin packages in combination with accounts-base & accounts-oauth. I tried it with and without accounts-ui. My Facebook login button is working seemlessly. The error I now get is:
Uncaught TypeError: Meteor.loginWithLinkedin is not a function
Once this works, I would also like to customize the permissions granted. If you have any hints on what could be wrong/what I could have forgotten, that'd be great. Otherwise, if you are aware of any example projects or docs, that would be nice, because I could not find any!
So the way I made it eventually work is with the pauli:accounts-linkedin package. Accounts-UI package doesn't work, so just build your own login button:
in html:
<button id="loginBtn">Login with LinkedIn</button>
in javascript:
'click #loginBtn':function(){
requestPermissions: ['r_basicprofile','r_emailaddress']
}, function(err){
console.log('error with login is: ', err);
the permissions are to be found on the developer page of linkedin. Last step now is to add the following document to the meteor_accounts_loginServiceConfiguration collection:
"_id" : "J2LPm7ocGfzuiK9J2",
"service" : "linkedin",
"clientId" : [clientID from linkedin developer page],
"secret" : [secret from linkedin developer page]