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Store serial communication's data from Arduino to Java using RXTX library

I have a problem with RXTX library and Arduino, I'm trying to store a variable obtained from Arduino serial output into a variable that it's declared in my Java code and then use it to execute some actions. This is a part of code that I use to read the serial output from Arduino.

Now the question is, how can I store that data starting from this code?

I need to store data obtained from an ultrasonic sensor and let it show to my Java GUI.

public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent evt) {
  if (evt.getEventType() == SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE) {
    try {
      byte singleData = (byte);
      if (singleData != NEW_LINE_ASCII) {
        logText = new String(new byte[] { singleData });
      } else {
    catch (Exception e) {
      logText = "Failed to read data. (" + e.toString() + ")";
      finestra.logArea.append(logText + "\n");

This part of code is just to read all that came from the serial.


  • Why don't you try to use Javino middleware instead of RxTx?

    Your Java code will be like that:

    Javino j = new Javino();
    String receivedMessage = new String();
    if (j.requestData("COM3","hi")) 
       receivedMessage = j.getData();

    And your Arduino code (inside main loop):

        msg = javino.getmsg();
    if (msg=="hi) {
        javino.sendmsg("Your Value");
    msg = "";

    And so it is.