I'm trying to create a card game which would generate a random card from a different class. The problem is that the block of code dedicated for the random card is big. Is there a way to transfer this part of the code to my Card class and use getters and setters to use in the main program? Or is there a way to make the code for generating random card more simple?
Main program:
String NewCard = "";
int theSuit, theRank;
for(int i=0; i<1; i++) {
theRank= (int)(Math.random()*13);
theSuit = (int)(Math.random()*5);
clsCard cardFace = new clsCard( theSuit, theRank);
NewCard =cardFace.toString();
System.out.println(" Your new card is " + NewCard);
Card Class:
public class clsCard {
private int value;
private int rank, suit;
private final int MaxFaceValue= 10;
private static String[] suits = {"Joker","hearts","spades","diamond","clubs"};
private static String[] ranks = {"Joker","Ace","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","Jack","Queen","King"};
public clsCard(int suit, int rank)
public @Override String toString()
if(ranks[rank].equals("Joker") || suits[suit].equals("Joker"))
return "Joker";
return ranks[rank] + " of " + suits[suit];
public int getRank()
return rank;
public int getSuit()
return suit;
Make a constructor that generates the random value
public clsCard() {
this.rank= (int)(Math.random()*ranks.length);
this.suit= (int)(Math.random()*suits.length);
Make new clsCard()
in the other class
You can also make some public static List<clsCard> generateCards(int amount)
method to not pollute your main method.
Then you can do
for (clsCard c : clsCard.generateCards(1)) {
System.out.println(" Your new card is " + c);