I am comparing two objects that have nested collections inside of them. The resulting diff has everything I would expect, except for how to reconstruct the hierarchy.
As an illustrative example:
I create a new garage, g1, with two cars, c1 and c2. c1 has 2 seats c1s1, c1s2. c2 has 1 seat, c2s1. My SimpleTextChangeLog looks something like this:
new object: ...Garage/g1
new object: ...Seat/c2s1
new object: ...Car/c2
new object: ...Car/c1
new object: ...Seat/c1s1
new object: ...Seat/c1s2
I would like my implementation of ChangeProcessor to print the change in a hierarchical form:
new object: ...Garage/g1
new object: ...Car/c1
new object: ...Seat/c1s1
new object: ...Seat/c1s2
new object: ...Car/c2
new object: ...Seat/c2s1
Class hierarchy:
class Garage {
Set<Car> cars;
class Car {
Set<Seat> seats;
class Seat {
Is there a way to do this?
Change list is a flat, unsorted list, so you can't reproduce hierarchy form changes.
Why not use Shadows?
class Garage {
@Id int id
Set<Car> cars
String toString() {
"Garage " +id + "\n"+ cars.collect{it.toString()}
class Car {
@Id int id
String toString() {
"Car " +id
def "should print "(){
def javers = JaversBuilder.javers().build()
javers.commit("", new Garage(id:1, cars: [new Car(id:2), new Car(id:3)]))
Shadow<Garage> g = javers.findShadows(
println (g.get())
Garage 1
[Car 2, Car 3]