Suppose I have the following code which creates two radio buttons:
<li id="foli517" class=" ">
<label class="desc" id="shippingChoice" for="Field517_0">
Shipping Options
<input id="shippingChoice" name="Field517" type="hidden" value="" />
<input id="shipping1" name="Field517" type="radio" class="field radio" value="$2.00 Shipping Fee" tabindex="13" checked="checked" />
<label class="choice" for="Field517_0" >
$2.00 Shipping Fee</label>
<input id="Field517_1" name="Field517" type="radio" class="field radio" value="I will pick up the items (free shipping)" tabindex="14" />
<label class="choice" for="Field517_1" >
I will pick up the items (free shipping)</label>
How would I implement a javascript function onclick which updates the inner html of a span with id "mySpan" with the word "FREE" when the 2nd radio button is clicked, and "NOT FREE" otherwise?
document.getElementById(WHAT GOES HERE).onclick = function() {
//what goes here?
document.getElementById('foli517').onchange = function(e) {
var e = e || event;
var target = || e.srcElement;
var span = document.getElementById('mySpan');
var span2 = document.getElementById('mySpan2');
if (target.type === "radio") {
span.innerHTML = ( === "Field517_1") ? "FREE" : "NOT FREE";
if (target.type === "checkbox") {
span2.innerHTML = "Is it checked? " + target.checked;