I want to save a custom class List (C#) in file stream (in Unity3d). I've already done saving a [Serializable] class saving into memory using this code:
public class GameData
public int Score_SR;
public float ChaseCredits_SR;
Following method for saving the data:
public void Save()
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/chaserace.cr");
// Save data here from local to orignal data path storage i.e /chaserace.cr
GameData data = new GameData();
data.Score_SR = Score;
data.ChaseCredits_SR = ChaseCredits;
// this take the "data" class data and write it to our "chaserace.cr" file
bf.Serialize(file , data);
And then use a method Load to load the data. But, now I would like to save a List<> of a custom class "RawData". I've tried doing the same with a List, but could not do that. Maybe there will be an edit within the code that will work for a List<>.
Here is the class whose List I want to save to memory:
public class RawData{
public string key;
public int level;
public string value;
public RawData(string key_,string value_,int level_){
key = key_;
level = level_;
value = value_;
When I try loading data, there is an Error:
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/chaserace.cr", FileMode.Open);
RawData rawData = (RawData)bf.Deserialize(file);
List<RawData> rawDataList=rawData; //Here is conversion error
you have to Parser to a List :
List<RawData> rawDataList = new List<RawData>() { rawData };
because rawData is a single object , But you want to conversion a List
for example :
int a = 1;
List<int> b = a; //Here will conversion error