I want to specialize a templated
method. It makes use of std::enable_if
to check a static property of the given type:
template <class T, bool fancy= T::IsFancy()>
typename std::enable_if<fancy, void>::type
onlyForFancyGuys(T* component) {
As I use this for recursive calls, I need a way to determine, when recursion ends. That is, when type Foo
is used. So I tried this specialization.
typename void onlyForFancyGuys<Foo, true>(Foo* component);
void onlyForFancyGuys<Foo, true>(Foo* component);
But it keeps telling, me that this template-id
does not match any template declaration. What am I doing wrong here? Is there something specific with enable_if
Important fact: Foo
does not have the method IsFancy
Edit: I added IsFancy
to Foo
, but it does not make any difference.
Edit: I am compiling with MinGW. But I plan to use MSVC, too.
Edit: Adding IsFancy
to Foo
together with the accepted answer did the trick.
Just use overload:
void onlyForFancyGuys(Foo* component) { /* ... */ }
template <class T, bool fancy = T::IsFancy()>
typename std::enable_if<fancy, void>::type
onlyForFancyGuys(T* component) {
will be exclude thank to SFINAE (on T::IsFancy()