I am setting this up as stated in the docs for replacing values within files:
prompting() {
return this.prompt([{
type : 'input',
name : 'name',
message : 'Your project name',
default : this.appname // Default to current folder name
}, {
type : 'input',
name : 'chaincodeTitle',
message : 'Chaincode folder name'
}]).then((answers) => {
this.log('app name', answers.name);
this.props = answers;
// Creates all the files and directories from a hyperledger project template source
writing() {
this.destinationPath('./' + this.props.name + 'hyperledger/local' + '/config.json'),
{props: this.props.name}
Here's where I put the tag in my JSON file:
"host": "localhost",
"port": "3000",
"logLevel": "INFO",
"channelCfgTxn": "../../../artifacts/local/channel/mychannel.tx",
"chaincodeId": "MikeGcc",
"CC_SRC_PATH": "../../../app/chaincode",
"chaincodePath": "<%= props %>",
"chaincodeVersion": "v0",
"queryFunction": "getVersion",
"keyValueStore": "/sim/fabric-client-kvs-local",
"chaincodeName": "<%= props %>",
"jwt_expiretime": "360000",
"client": "http://localhost:4200/",
"registerSupplierRoute": "register-supplier/"
But when I run my yeoman generator, yeoman doesnt detect its own tag it seems like and is outputting the string: <%= props %>
So I get the following error when it finishes:
info: [packager/Golang.js]: packaging GOLANG from <%= props %>
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/home/mike/mikehyperledger/app/chaincode/src/<%= props %>'
This has been killing me for two days now. Anyone familiar with Yeoman who might know whats happening here?
The problem was that this command was in the writing block which is a promise to write and all the commands in that block happen asynchronously.
To fix this problem, I had to create a block outside of writing called "end()" and insert my fsCopyTpl in there like this:
end() {
this.destinationPath('./' + this.props.name + 'hyperledger/local' + '/config.json'),
{props: this.props.name}