I am learning M (Power Query Language). I'd like to use M to parse JSON from REST APIs. For example one can use the Stack Overflow REST API. I can see how to drill down into a simple JSON string using say
Source = Json.Document("{ ""glossary"": { ""title"": ""example glossary"", ""GlossDiv"": { ""title"": ""S"", ""GlossList"": { ""GlossEntry"":
{ ""ID"": ""SGML"", ""SortAs"": ""SGML"", ""GlossTerm"": ""Standard Generalized Markup Language"", ""Acronym"": ""SGML"",
""Abbrev"": ""ISO 8879:1986"", ""GlossDef"": { ""para"": ""A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook."",
""GlossSeeAlso"": [""GML"", ""XML""] }, ""GlossSee"": ""markup"" } } } } }"),
glossary = Source[glossary],
GlossDiv = glossary[GlossDiv],
GlossList = GlossDiv[GlossList],
GlossEntry = GlossList[GlossEntry],
ConvertedToTable = Record.ToTable(GlossEntry)
But what happens when I have a list from which I want to drill in and fetch a subproperty and then I want to return all of those like a SQL UNION query. Actually it is more of a For Each type query.
So here is my non-working query that does not do a union but unfortunately glues the second record onto the side
Source = "{""items"":["
#"Parsed JSON" = Json.Document(Source),
items = #"Parsed JSON"[items],
item0 = items{0},
owner0 = item0[owner],
item1 = items{1},
owner1 = item1[owner],
#"Converted to Table" = Table.Combine( {Record.ToTable(owner0), Record.ToTable(owner1) })
#"Converted to Table"
What I am really aiming for is this output but not limited to 2 records, but all the records from the list. (The above sample source has been simplified from this REST API StackOverflow questions tagged VBA)
reputation user_id user_type accept_rate display_name
49 9073241 registered 86 Kam
18 9057704 registered 29 Gregory
I think you want to pivot your tables before you try to combine them. Try this query, for example.
Source1 = Json.Document("{""tags"":[""vba"",""permissions""],""owner"":
Owner1 = Table.Pivot(Record.ToTable(Source1[owner]), List.Distinct(Record.ToTable(Source1[owner])[Name]), "Name", "Value"),
Source2 = Json.Document("{""tags"":[""excel"",""vba"",""excel-vba""],""owner"":
Owner2 = Table.Pivot(Record.ToTable(Source2[owner]), List.Distinct(Record.ToTable(Source2[owner])[Name]), "Name", "Value"),
#"Appended Query" = Table.Combine({Owner1, Owner2})
#"Appended Query"
If you just want to expand all of the owners, try a query more like this:
Source = "{""items"":[{""tags"":[""vba"",""permissions""],""owner"":{""reputation"":49,""user_id"":9073241,""user_type"":""registered"",""accept_rate"":86,""display_name"":""Kam""},""is_answered"":false,""view_count"":4,""answer_count"":0,""score"":0,""question_id"":48229549},{""tags"":[""excel"",""vba"",""excel-vba""],""owner"":{""reputation"":18,""user_id"":9057704,""user_type"":""registered"",""accept_rate"":29,""display_name"":""Gregory""},""is_answered"":false,""view_count"":6,""answer_count"":0,""score"":0,""question_id"":48229590}]}",
#"Parsed JSON" = Json.Document(Source),
items = #"Parsed JSON"[items],
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(items, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"owner"}, {"owner"}),
#"Expanded owner" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "owner", {"reputation", "user_id", "user_type", "display_name"}, {"reputation", "user_id", "user_type", "display_name"})
#"Expanded owner"