Does CATCH exception gets reported to Firebase/Fabric etc? If I leave catch block empty (for some reason IDK why someone does it), android gives warning but naming its variable ignored resolves warning, HOW?
try {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
Is there any better way to have a centralized exception handler which only works for Debug. Thanks for your time and effort in advance.
Here are my finds so far (correct me if you disagree)
Renaming the exception variable to ignored From many references and searching, the concept of naming variable to ignored was introduced after developer community did it too often. Some of the references are: Style Guide, Android Source, Reddit
Adding a comment in catch block //empty As I talked about spending time to search about it, New finding is adding a comment to catch block also does the same trick of understanding catch block is left empty on volunteer.
Finally recommended is to make a logger class or use default loggers to log exception rather than leaving empty.
Thanks to @khelwood for helping.