points out the -gen argument to compiler
As pointed out in the above post I added the gen flag by modifying my gwt maven plugin configuration like this
Funny thing it does write the generated classes but only the gwt core generator classes. none of my own custom generator classes output is written into it.
Any clues as to what could be wrong ?
To do this, I am assuming you are using Eclipse with GWT plugin. right click on Gwt project Run As->Run Configuration,
In the "New Configuration" ,you should be in the "Main" tab. Make sure that in the "Project" text box correct GWT project is selected. If not, you can select the right GWT project by clicking the "Browse" button next to it.
Also in the main tab, click on the "Search" button next to "Main Class" text box. Write "Compiler" in the popup window and select "com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler".