I am just wondering how to insert Persian characters into my service-based database?
When I save my data it shows something like '???'
I have checked such questions like this. But, the solutions were not useful.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ctypeCheckBox.Checked == true)
st = 1;
else if (ctypeCheckBox.Checked == false)
st = 0;
string query = "INSERT INTO LectureTable(Cname, Cid, Ccredit, Csession, Ctype, CstartDate, CendDate, CstartTime, CendTime) VALUES('" + cnameTextBox.Text + "','" + cidTextBox.Text + "','" + ccreditTextBox.Text + "','" + csessionTextBox.Text + "','" + st + "', '" + cstartDateDateTimePicker.MinDate + "', '" + cendDateDateTimePicker.MaxDate + "', '" + cStartTimeBox.Text + "', '" + cEndTimeBox.Text + "')";
SqlDataAdapter SDA = new SqlDataAdapter(query, objConnection);
Two things:
Never ever combine your query string with values
"INSERT INTO LectureTable(Cname, Cid, Ccredit, Csession, Ctype, CstartDate, CendDate, CstartTime, CendTime) VALUES('" + cnameTextBox.Text + "','" + cidTextBox.Text + "','" + ccreditTextBox.Text + "','" + csessionTextBox.Text + "','" + st + "', '" + cstartDateDateTimePicker.MinDate + "', '" + cendDateDateTimePicker.MaxDate + "', '" + cStartTimeBox.Text + "', '" + cEndTimeBox.Text + "')";
Should be immediately replaced with
"INSERT INTO LectureTable(Cname, Cid, Ccredit, Csession, Ctype, CstartDate, CendDate, CstartTime, CendTime)
VALUES(@cname, @cid, @ccredit, @csession, @st, @cstartDateDate, @cendDate, @cStartTime, @cEndTimeB)";
and then you should use
for all parameters. This will save you from a lot of problems including SQL injection.
data type. Good luck